An unforgettable yoga holidays!
When you plan your holidays and start looking for yoga retreats or other activities you always wanted to do on your trip, the only thing in your mind is that you want to have an unforgettable time and make good memories visiting places, learning something new about the local places and actually stay with the locals for deeper experience. Exploring different ways of living and try it yourself for a change.
In past few decades yoga is spread quite a lot all over the world and it’s easy to find good retreats in every corner of the world if you are thinking to go to Europe, South East Asia, South Asia, America or anywhere else in the world. You will have to do careful planning and defining your budget that what you can afford and work accordingly such as choosing a place you want to visit and what goals you want to achieve.
There are plenty of places to visit for good yoga practice and will not be very expensive such as Asia and Latin America, some countries such as India, Indonesia and Costa Rica embarked with culture and traditions and good for spiritual practices and also in Europe: Spain, Greece and Italy where you find huge diversity and rich in natural beauty.

Yoga holidays in the Andalusian White Village
There are some factors which plays a vital role in making your yoga holidays remarkable:
#1 Good weather: sunny and warm.
Sun-kissed Yoga Retreats, Resorts or Hotels are always great way for relaxation & rejuvenation, visit to the places in nice and sunny weather has got the same effects to the soul that an exhalation does to the body. People who live in cold countries and miserable weather with constant rain, cold and darkness that makes one depressed but when you travel to the yoga retreats in sunny areas then the warm and welcoming weather is a heart opener.
#2 Accommodation where it makes you feel like home.
Yoga holidays in the Andalusian White Village bedroom
Retreats located near the beach or into the wild close to nature away from the cities and away from home.Cosy, comfortable and delightful place loaded with great facilities for relaxation such as pool, sports, healing therapies etc. According to the country, culture and traditions of the regions every retreat have got their own standard and variety in the accommodations and provide different experience and something new which you may not have experienced before, places designed to work in harmony with the natural surroundings. You may feel like living in paradise which can be restoring and inspiring.
#3 Good company: small groups, make friends, relaxing atmosphere.
If you are planning your holiday solo or with friends, if you are a couple or single there will always be options for you to choose. Traveling and holidays are the best way to meet people from around the globe and people coming from different walks and backgrounds. Particularly when you are choosing a yoga retreat you are most likely to see and meet people with same interest who are escaping from the fast paced and hectic living and just want to be somewhere into serene and tranquil place. Other yoga practitioners or travellers who share the same vision of natural living and practice of sacred simplicity and they sometime leave you inspired with their thinking and work.
#4 Practice activity together: Yoga, good quality of the lessons.
Practicing activity together is one of the great way to learn something new and learn from others, share your experiences and knowledge.It is great way to make the activities more fun and get chance to meet and interact with other people with same interest.In yoga when you practice with others you can help each other in adjusting and correcting the postures to bring the body in alignment. There are plenty of good yoga centres which are well known internationally and offer group activities and workshops which are one of the best experience for a beginner or an advance student. Lucia Yoga Retreat in Spain follow the same path and believe in teaching the yoga in a traditional way,with qualified instructors and offers group activities,workshops etc.
#5 Possibility to practice other activities: beach, hiking, meditation…
Every Retreat is different and has to offer something extraordinary to suit the needs of their customers and give them the best experience to make their stay worthwhile. Some retreats like Lucia Yoga located in beautiful place Andalucia southern part of Spain which include beach, hiking and Rural trips. There are numerous activities offered by the place you visit for your yoga holidays, there will be great opportunity to explore local culture, traditions and styles.
Why to go somewhere far? If you are looking for small yoga holiday and want to travel within Europe, join Lucia Yoga and share with others about your incredible and peaceful experience. There are multiple locations to fulfill the needs of all kind and loads more which is beyond your imagination.
Yoga practice is a personal taste,you can’t force any one to practice yoga, may be inspire some one to attend a class or two.Some people like desert others enjoy snacks,but yoga is combination of everything.We must have patience,focus and will to practice.Yoga adds spirituality,it has nothing to do with religion.Yoga poses and asanas are graceful but must practiced with deep yogic breathing.Pushing or pulling is not great.Grace of God is important and that reflects through sincerity and commitment.Yoga is a union with our ownself and then with others.
In short yoga is a journey not a goal. Blessings, Veena Grover RYT
Thank you Veena Grover for you comment.
You are right that yoga is a journey and no one can force anyother to practice it. You have to deeply want it or looking for it because you need it.
I believe that yoga has the faculty to be whatever one persone is ready for achieve or needs to receive from yoga.
If you approach yoga because you have a back pain, and you wish to relieve this suffering, yoga can be for you the medicine for it.
If you are stress out and you need to relax, yoga might be the method for you to disconnect and relax.
Instead if you would like to improve your fisical skils or flexibility, yoga might became for you the way to practice that.
And when in your journey you are ready to experience spirituality, then yoga will became this for you, like magic.
Like you said is a beautifull journey, that it comes from a deep inside need within ourselves.
Blessings for you too.
Patricia and Antonio,wondeful group to provide the comforts,peace and joy to your clients.You both seem wonderful and caring,may be some time in my life,I will visit you guys and spend time with you and your staff.I love simple,loving and caring people.
God Bless you all and your staff. Namaste,Veena Grover
That is the way. Thanks Veena and Patricia for your participation
Antonio and Patricia,I see thing with more mutured way as compare to past 25 years.I was teaching Taekwondo after hard training ,I did attend lot of competions,seminars,workshops and felt to be aggressive to win and to move forward.American life is most of the time ‘Win, Win”After a while I realised,I am not teaching or learning to impress others,I wanted my fulfillment.Too much Ego and winning to llok better was there.I got couple of physical injuries,knees and shoulder.My loving husband searched An aNanda Yoga school [Expandinglight}i did learn a lot,became humble and realised my inside was empty,shallow and I was impressing others with Taekwondo moves and sparrings.To connect with my soul,I surrendered to God and yoga gurus to express them my ignorance about my life and success,which was superficial with Black Belts.I nneded real foundation and I did learn that from my Ananda yoga Guru, Nayaswami Gyandev ji, Director of Yoga Alliance.He taught me Forgiveness,humility,compassion ,living in the presence and moving forward.Awreness to my mind and feeling the goodness in others but not anger changed my life for better.That is my main goal of teaching yoga to guide others,yoga has deep philosophy,dig in and stay connected.Cruelty by others some time is good. Blessings